Thsi is a pinkie that is looking to go otcb early this year. It is a roofing company that is an anticipation play. It consistently builds towards hurricane season in the summer. Bottomed at .055 last week and is now at .11. Two years ago I believe it spiked to aver 2.00 during Katrina. Last year it went to .55 on a safe storm season. Thsi company has been upfront about it's financials that are poor at the time. They seem to be continuing to expand and are still owed by insurance companies for work after Katrina. I am not nearly as versed in investing as a lot of you guys in this forum but I do believe this will slowly rise and start to pick up speed as we near summer asit has over the past two years. I am in for a relatively large amount for me. I know I am eating junk food but I feel very optimistic about this one.